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A Breakdown Of The Technology Improving Open Enrollment Engagement

With more and more businesses allowing their employees to remain remote full-time, HR professionals have had a tough go at ensuring each of their employees are remaining engaged with healthcare enrollment periods and being aware of their benefits. While it certainly was easier to spread this information in the office, many HR professionals are struggling to adjust accordingly to make sure these processes are as smooth while online.

While these HR professionals attempt to adapt, can anyone truly blame an employee for being less worried about an enrollment period as COVID continues to ravage through the world? Employees are much less concerned with their health benefits as they try to adapt their lives to the ‘new COVID normal.’ This is part of the struggle that HR professionals and businesses have to deal with, but how can they solve this problem?

A new approach seems to be necessary to ensure the same efficiency for many businesses in regards to their enrollment. One of the most successful ways businesses have adapted within this time period is through a partnership with a business process outsourcing provider. Continue reading on to learn the types of solutions these professionals offer to enhance your organization’s next open enrollment period.

Taking A New Approach

When HR professionals are incapable of improving their tactics in a way that keeps employees engaged, BPO providers can be the perfect fix. After all, with COVID’s impact, brochures and in-person one-on-one meetings are a thing of the past. Being sure that an employee understands the length of their benefits can be extremely difficult via remote meetings but leveraging the technology and technique from these BPO providers can make all the difference.

The beginning of these BPO processes will require businesses to first send out digital documents that include the information regarding the next open enrollment period. Next, it’d be suggested to hold an open virtual meetings where employees can drop in and be instructed further. Once this meeting concludes, businesses should open a microsite where their employees can go and complete their enrollment in real time. As employees work to complete their enrollment, live experts will be available to discuss any details necessary via video conference or live chat. This expert guidance can make all the difference in improving enrollment rates while employees remain remote.

Not every BPO provider is the same, so their processes will always differ. With that being said, the guidance these providers can offer organizations cannot be understated. One of the leading BPO service providers in the country, Conduent, is capable of providing your organization with some incredible strategies to improve your next open enrollment period. To learn more about the types of services offered by Conduent, check out the infographic featured alongside this post.

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