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The Shoprider Scootie 4-Wheel Mobility Scooter

The Shoprider Scootie 4-Wheel Mobility Scooter

Are you looking for a lightweight travel scooter with a comfortable front basket, a front wheel designed for better performance, and a foldable design for portability and safety?

Look no further than the Shoprider Scootie TE-787NA 4-Wheel Mobility Scooter. This awesome scooter folds up in seconds and is very cheap. For more on top folding mobility scooters visit Electric Wheelchairs USA.

With the battery, it weighs only 82 pounds. This means that many people can lift it without needing a mobility scooter lift. Remove the seat and lower the bar with ease and store this unit in your trunk for transport.

Don’t have a lot of room in your trunk or storage closet? This adjustable length makes it easy to fit the Scootie into tight spaces. You won’t find many scooters with this unique feature, so this might be the perfect commuter scooter for you.

The Scootie from Shoprider is a powerful four-wheeled mobility scooter. Two 12Ah batteries can take you up to 10 miles on a single charge. The Scootie has an average weight capacity of 250 pounds and you will be able to cruise at 3.5 mph. The frame is built to last and give you years of great riding.

Scootie is only 17 inches wide. It is one of the narrowest scooters on the market. It moves easily through narrow hallways, turns smoothly and goes through any door in your home.

In addition, this Shoprider mobility scooter has a built-in front wheel. The two front tires are mounted close together giving you all the stability of a 4-wheel scooter with a strong 32-degree turning angle.

Equipped with anti-slip wheels, the Scootie protects you when climbing hills or uneven surfaces. The ignition key gives you added security and peace of mind when parking your scooter. Another good safety feature is the carpet platform. This mat provides better grip and more safety when driving your Scootie.

Whether you want to carry a few personal items or are traveling, the convenient wire front basket is the perfect place for all your things.

No one needs a complicated control system, so Scootie is easy to use. Intuitive controls include a battery check, speed control dial, and zoom and reverse. The Shoprider Scootie TE-787NA is a great scooter for anyone looking for a versatile and lightweight travel scooter.

At Electric Wheelchairs USA, we truly love helping our customers make the best choice for their needs whether it is a power chair, mobility scooter, or lift chair.

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