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What Is a Heavy Duty Mobility Scooter?

What Is a Heavy Duty Mobility Scooter?

A heavy-duty mobility scooter is a strong mobility scooter that can accommodate almost any user. It has a weight capacity of up to 550 pounds, hence featuring bigger motors, wider bases and larger tires. Unlike light units, a heavy-duty mobility scooter is designed to tackle even more challenging terrain and maneuver through rougher landscapes.

They provide a world of priceless benefits to large-sized persons who may need personal mobility assistance. Due to their extraordinary features the reinforced frames and extra powerful motors aid in daily activities and give convenient personal transportation.

This scooter increases opportunities for people to live an active and independent life, especially for individuals who weigh from 300 pounds to 400 pounds. Some of these individuals do not qualify for a doctor-prescribed power chair hence getting help from the heavy-duty mobility scooter.

Even better, they do not have to go to the stores to purchase one; they can easily buy a power scooter that suits their personal mobility needs through online shopping.

Choosing A Heavy-Duty Capacity Scooter

When choosing a heavy-duty mobility scooter, mobility-challenged adults usually have three primary questions:

Phoenix Heavy Duty Scooter

The Phoenix Heavy Duty mobility scooter is quick and easy to disassemble since they have quickly connected batteries. It comes with a headlight and a large plastic carry basket that helps carry extra items with ease. The ergonomic throttle control is flat-free, and it eases freewheel operation.

Cobra Deluxe Mobility Scooters

The Cobra Deluxe mobility scooter is a mid-sized scooter that features a delta tiller, a sliding swivel seat and a full package. This scooter is fit for both outdoor and indoor use since it has a maximum driving range of 38 miles and a maximum speed of 8mph.

However, this depends on certain conditions like weight and terrain. Even better, it has an easy-to-grip delta tiller with a tight turning radius guaranteeing a smooth ride for practically any kind of trip. This unit also comes with a charger and a high-black captain’s seat with is well-suited for secure and comfortable use.

The Phoenix Heavy Duty and Cobra Deluxe mobility scooter can competently tackle a variety of outdoor ground surfaces. After choosing the one that matches their needs, they can now complete the purchase right in the comfort of their homes.

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